Donate Your Unwanted Christmas Tree to KY Fish and Wildlife Fisheries!

Christmas is just five days away. A lot of us who celebrate the holiday buy real trees and then a few days after Santa arrives we toss them out back or burn them in the fire pit. What you all should be doing is donating those Charlie Brown trees to Kentucky Fish and Wildlife fisheries.
Throughout the state, there are many Christmas tree drop off locations set up by Kentucky Fish and Wildlife Resources that will take your tree and toss it and multiple others into specified areas of waters throughout Kentucky, bettering fish habitats. Why does that help SNA Krappie Masters? More crappie habitat, the better the fishery! And who doesn’t like to pull up on a fresh batch of trees to see a cloud of crappie surrounding them. So, check out the links below to find out more about why this helps our fishing habitats and to find the closest location to you to donate those unwanted Christmas trees!
Christmas Tree Recycling with Kentucky Fish and Wildlife